full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Cathy O'Neil: The era of blind faith in big data must end

Unscramble the Blue Letters

It gets wsroe. The New York Post filed a Freedom of Information Act rqsueet, got all the teachers' names and all their sorecs and they plsieuhbd them as an act of teacher-shaming. When I tried to get the formulas, the source code, through the same means, I was told I couldn't. I was deeind. I later found out that nobody in New York City had access to that frlomua. No one understood it. Then someone really smart got involved, Gary Rubinstein. He found 665 teachers from that New York Post data that actually had two scores. That could happen if they were teaching svtneeh grade math and eighth grade math. He decided to plot them. Each dot represents a teacher.

Open Cloze

It gets _____. The New York Post filed a Freedom of Information Act _______, got all the teachers' names and all their ______ and they _________ them as an act of teacher-shaming. When I tried to get the formulas, the source code, through the same means, I was told I couldn't. I was ______. I later found out that nobody in New York City had access to that _______. No one understood it. Then someone really smart got involved, Gary Rubinstein. He found 665 teachers from that New York Post data that actually had two scores. That could happen if they were teaching _______ grade math and eighth grade math. He decided to plot them. Each dot represents a teacher.


  1. formula
  2. seventh
  3. request
  4. denied
  5. published
  6. worse
  7. scores

Original Text

It gets worse. The New York Post filed a Freedom of Information Act request, got all the teachers' names and all their scores and they published them as an act of teacher-shaming. When I tried to get the formulas, the source code, through the same means, I was told I couldn't. I was denied. I later found out that nobody in New York City had access to that formula. No one understood it. Then someone really smart got involved, Gary Rubinstein. He found 665 teachers from that New York Post data that actually had two scores. That could happen if they were teaching seventh grade math and eighth grade math. He decided to plot them. Each dot represents a teacher.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
data scientists 5
fox news 4
ramen noodles 2
marketing trick 2
blind faith 2
big data 2
york post 2
grade math 2
designed badly 2
reasonable choice 2
private companies 2
data integrity 2
integrity check 2
blind orchestra 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
data integrity check 2

Important Words

  1. access
  2. act
  3. city
  4. code
  5. data
  6. decided
  7. denied
  8. dot
  9. eighth
  10. filed
  11. formula
  12. formulas
  13. freedom
  14. gary
  15. grade
  16. happen
  17. information
  18. involved
  19. math
  20. means
  21. names
  22. plot
  23. post
  24. published
  25. represents
  26. request
  27. rubinstein
  28. scores
  29. seventh
  30. smart
  31. source
  32. teacher
  33. teachers
  34. teaching
  35. told
  36. understood
  37. worse
  38. york